HRB Staff

Mr. Mwenje is a Professional Hydrologist who holds a BSc. degree in Hydrology from the University of Nairobi, a MSc. degree in Integrated Water Management from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, and a Post-graduate diploma in Applied Hydrology and Information Systems for Water Management jointly from the University of Nairobi and the Institute for Meteorological Training and Research, Nairobi.
He began his career with the Ministry of Water and has since worked as a Hydrologist and District Water Officer in various districts, as a Water Conservation Officer and as Water Resources Specialist with the Water Resources Authority and with the ADB-funded EwasoNg’iro North Natural Resources Management Project, respectively. He has honed his management and leadership skills by undertaking training in Strategic Leadership Development and Management courses. He is currently the Board Registrar/Chief Executive Officer and is an ex-officio member of the Board

Rose is an advocate of the high court of Kenya, a commissioner for oaths, a state counsel for over ten (10) years and has practiced for a total of fifteen years (15) education She pursued B.A public administration, Panjab university; - LLB, benareshindun university; -post graduate diploma: Kenya school of law; -LLM, international trade law and investment, Nairobi university; professional training -regional integration course in Korea by koica -senior management course at Kenya school of government -strategic leadership course at Kenya school of government -governance courses at Kenya school of governance and KCA -international investment law and dispute resolution membership to professional bodies She is a member of the law society of Kenya in good standing and a member of federation of women lawyers, Kenya

Mr. James Areba holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (Finance Option) from Catholic University of East Africa before pursuing a Master of Business Administration (Finance Option) from University of Nairobi. He also holds a Diploma in Accountancy. CPA Areba is qualified Accountant with vast experience in Internal Audit. He is a certified Fraud Examiner, Member of the institute of internal Auditors and ICPAK. He is current the Assistant Internal Auditor General in the National Treasury. He is the Head Internal Auditor in the Hydrologist Registration Board

Mr. Julius Muindi holds a bachelor’s degree in Science (Meteorology) from University of Nairobi. He is a Qualified Hydrologist having worked in the water sector in various capacities, from Hydrologist to Senior superintending Hydrologist and member of Hydrological Society of Kenya (HSK). He has experience in the water sector of over 30 years being involved in project implementation activities as well as management. He is Currently working with the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation as a Principal Water Research Officer and also carrying out activities of the Hydrologist Registration Board.

M/s Alice holds a proficiency course in Accounts (Accounts Option) from Kenya School of Government Nairobi. A qualified Accountant with vast experience in accounting of over 10 years. She is currently the Accountant II in the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation. Also, the Accountant assigned to Hydrologist Registration Board

Mr. Kibowen holds a bachelor’s degree in Commerce (Finance Option) from Egerton University. He also holds a Diploma in Business Administration. Kibowen is qualified Finance and Accountant with vast experience in Finance and accountancy. He also holds CPA II and ongoing with CPA III &IV. He is currently the Finance Officer in the Board

Beatrice Wanjiku Ndungi currently stationed in the ministry of water, sanitation and irrigation Human Resource Section as the principal human resource management assistant. She was employed back in 1986 as a clerical officer in the ministry of Education, In November, 2006 did Diploma in Human Resource Management at Institute of Personnel Management and Promoted/ transferred to ministry of Health as a Human resource management Assistant 111. She rose through the rank from November 2013 to JUNE 2019 in the Ministry of Health as a Human Resource Management Assistant 1. She was promoted to Principal Human Resource Management Assistant in the ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation with effect from 30thjune 2020 to date. She is assigned additional duties in the Hydrology registration board with effect from October 2020.

Mr. Dennis Ochieng Ouko holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from St. Paul University, Post Graduate Diploma in business Administration from JKUAT, Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Management from JKUAT and a registered member of Kenya Institute of Supplies Management Mr. Dennis is a qualified Supplies Chain Officer with vast experience in Procurement with an experience of 18 years in the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and irrigation. She is current the Senior Supplies Chain Management officer in the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation and seconded to the Hydrologists Registration Board.